tech, white-paper,

How Google Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Patent

Geoff Whiting Geoff Whiting Aug 22, 2011
How Google Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Patent
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This report looks at the patent wars that were raging in 2011 and called out Google’s big shift from the champion of the little guy to a patent hawk in its own right.

On a personal note, this is one of my favorite reports from my time at Rider Research and the publication The Online Reporter.

It represents one of the first projects I was able to tackle on my own and lead in design and development. Charles Hall, the owner of Rider Research, was a great mentor and friend.

We never know the breaks and opportunities that will change the course of our lives until well after they happen. This was one of the biggest.

Please see the attached PDF:


Geoff Whiting
Written by Geoff Whiting

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